Registration form

Are you a doctor? Or serviceworker for a youth team, neighborhood team, Safe Home, institution for youth protection or youth probation? Then you can register a young person for outpatient help and/or (after-school) daytime activities at JDK. If you register someone, we assume that you do so with the consent of those involved. For children up to the age of 16, permission from the authoritative parents or guardian is required. Young people from the age of 16 can give their own consent.

If you are a parent, you can also register your child for help yourself. You do need a referral letter from a doctor or general practitioner for this. Or a decision from the municipality.

In case of an emergency, it is best to register via the website and call our general number. The registration will then be processed as soon as possible.

In other cases, we aim to process the application within 2 weeks at the latest. Did you not receive a response after 2 weeks? Send an e-mail to aanmelding@jongerendiehetkunnen.nl or call our general number 020-2101128.

We would like to ask you to fill in the form as completely as possible. If things are not applicable, fill in N/A. in.

If you still have questions about registering, you can call our general number. You will then receive one of our care coordinators on the phone.

1 Step 1
2 Step 2
Registration details
Information child
Information parent(s) / guardian(s)
Who has authority?
Which help do you wish to use?
Have criminal offenses been committed in the past?
Referrer/Applicant Contact Details
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Stichting JDK’s

Naschoolse activiteiten

Door middel van het aanbieden van naschoolse sport- dans- muziek- en andere fysieksociale activiteiten vindt JDK de ingang om de deelnemers hun kwaliteiten positief te laten ervaren. Stichting JDK behandelt elk kind als uniek, en heeft ook oog voor de ondersteuningsbehoefte van elk uniek kind.

1 Step 1

Aanmelden JDK Nieuwsbrief

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Afmelden is op ieder moment mogelijk. Je gegevens worden alleen gebruikt om je de tweewekelijkse nieuwsbrief te sturen. 

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JDK info

Grubbehoeve 7,
1103GG Amsterdam

020-210 11 28

JDK zakelijk

NL 42 INGB 0006 1975 64
KvK 55502148
RSIN: 851741095

Social Pact JDk Jongern Die het Kunnen
Stichting Jongeren Die het Kunnen 10 jaar